June 03, 2024 Military Aviation News

Ukraine Says 'Nine Russian Jets' Downed in a Month


Russian forces operating in Ukraine lost nine jets in May, according to Kyiv, as Ukraine reports record equipment losses and casualties for Moscow's troops. Ukraine's Defense Ministry said on Saturday that nine Russian jets were "destroyed" in May 2024.

U.S. Military Nightmare: China Wants NGAD 6th Generation Fighters


The United States and China are racing to develop sixth-generation warplanes, signaling intense military rivalry in a multipolar world. China unveiled a mockup of its sixth-generation fighter in 2021, aiming for deployment by 2035, while the U.S. targets 2030 for its "Next-Generation Air Dominance" (NGAD) platform.

Sweden Holds Off Sending Fighter Jets to Kyiv – All May Not be Lost


Sweden is pausing plans to transfer JAS 39 Gripen fighters to Ukraine, reportedly to enable Kyiv’s air forces to focus on integrating the US-made F-16 fighters when they eventually arrive. Swedish Defense Minister Pål Jonson announced the decision on May 28, citing a request by members of NATO’s aviation coalition.

South Korea seeks to join top arms dealers with new fighter jet engine


South Korea’s largest defence company is developing a fighter jet engine as the country works to move up the arms exporter value chain and boost its security self-sufficiency. The chief of aero systems at Hanwha Aerospace said the company wanted to develop the engine by as early as 2036. It is working in partnership with the South Korean government, one of the world’s highest spenders on arms development.

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