September 12, 2013 Military Aviation News

China Leans on Russia for Fighter Jet Technology


China may soon be getting its hands on one of Russia’s core fighter jets, the Su-35. The purchase will bring China as close as it can get to challenging America’s modern air fleet. Talks are ongoing, and “The signing will most likely take place next year,” Viktor Komardin, deputy-chief of Russia’s Rosoboronexport state-run arms exporter, told state-run Ria Novosti.

JSTARS participates in counter UAV exercise


Recently, the 605th Test and Evaluation Squadron Detachment 2, Melbourne, Fla., utilized the T3 JSTARS test jet to perform a tactics development & evaluation (TD&E) during an exercise at Naval Base Ventura County, in Oxnard, Calif. Tactics development and testing during the exercise was supported by the JSTARS Test Force (JTF); a combined group of active-duty Air Force aviators and engineers, and software developers from Northrop-Grumman Aerospace Systems.

NAVAIR Flight Tests Autonomous Aerial Refueling


The Navy is continuing the development of its Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstration (UCAS-D) program, recently completing another phase of its Autonomous Aerial Refueling (AAR) tests with an optionally piloted Learjet.

Czech defence ministry proposes extending warplane lease


The Czech Republic has tentatively negotiated an extension of the lease of Gripen fighter airplanes from Sweden for up to 14 years, securing the NATO member-state’s air defence needs, Defence Minister Vlastimil Picek said on Wednesday. He said the defence ministry would prepare an amendment to the existing contract by December and the final decision would be made by a new cabinet to be formed after an election on October 25-26.

Russian Lawmakers Call for More Arms to Iran if Syria Attacked


Two senior Russian lawmakers called Wednesday for additional shipments of “defensive weapons” to Iran if Washington proceeds with planned airstrikes against Syria, while unconfirmed rumors swirled that the Kremlin was working toward a new agreement on deliveries of missile defense systems to Tehran.

Falco to join the Middle East's UAV fleet


Finmeccanica subsidiary, Selex announced today that it has signed a contract worth more than $53 million to deliver the Falco unmanned system to an unamed Middle East Country. Selex will provide operational and maintenance support to the customer for one year as well. Falco is an operationally proven, tactical, medium altitude, medium endurance Unmanned Aerial System for defence and security surveillance applications.

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