January 26, 2014 Military Aviation News
An IAF FIGHTER pilot who brought a stricken Mig-21 Bison back to the base after his aircraft's systems failed by holding a torch in his mouth was awarded Shaurya Chakra on the eve of Republic Day. He also managed to avoid another possible crash after his combat jet was hit by a bird in a separate incident.
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India's high performance computing system 'Dhruva-3', designed for solving mission defence research and development critical applications, was launched here today. Avinash Chander, Secretary of Department of Defence Research and Development and Director General of DRDO inaugurated the system at Advanced Numerical Research and Analysis Group (ANURAG) here, a statement from Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) said.
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One of the main features of the global defense strategy laid out by President Barack Obama two years ago, shifting the U.S. military's focus from the Middle East to the Asia Pacific region, is meeting significant challenges from China and its rapidly developing military power. But U.S. military officials say American dominance of the Asia Pacific is not diminishing.
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Experts on China’s Navy are sounding cautionary tones after news surfaced last week that China is reportedly constructing a second aircraft carrier. The Chinese-language report from Hong Kong-based Ta Kung Pao, known as a veteran pro-Beijing newspaper, stated that Wang Min, a Communist Party secretary of China’s northeastern province of Liaoning, has confirmed the construction of the ship, which unlike its first carrier, is homegrown.
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Congress has given Boeing's Super Hornet fighter jet a lifeline, at least for now. The omnibus federal spending measure contains a down payment of $75 million for 22 of the fighters that the Navy didn't request. The funding, signed into law on Jan. 17, will prod Navy officials to decide this year whether to spend as much as $2 billion for the unplanned planes as a hedge against delays of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
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India’s biggest deal of procuring 126 medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) for $18 billion (Rs90,000 crore) has hit rough weather. Two years after French aircraft maker Dassault Aviation bagged the deal for its Rafale fighter jets on account of being the lowest bidder, its cost has now shot up by 100 per cent.
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