June 25, 2014 Military Aviation News
Military aircraft that conducted air strikes against ISIS military targets in western Iraq are believed to have been from Syria’s air force, a U.S. official told ABC News. Such air strikes would be a regional escalation of the conflict inside Iraq where the Islamic militants have taken over cities in northern and western Iraq and threatened the stability of the Iraqi government.
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A spokesman for the Office of the Adjutant General of the Iraqi armed forces has said that his country has returned 130 military aircraft to Iraq, which were held in Iran for more than 20 years. General Qassim Atta explained in a televised press statement that the Iranian authorities have equipped the aircraft with "sophisticated weapons". "The planes," said Atta, "will participate in the battles against ISIS to liberate the city of Mosul from its control."
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The Afghan Air Force hit a huge milestone by completing the first ever all Afghan air crew C-130 flight June 16, 2014 in Kabul, Afghanistan. Their mission consisted of cargo, CASEVAC and PAX transport. The Afghan Air Force has been working hard the last 11 months with U.S. Air Advisors from the 538th Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron accomplishing this flight goal eight months ahead of schedule.
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Russian air forces conducted snap drills in the Central and Far Eastern military districts, the Russian Defense Ministry said Tuesday. MiG-31MB interceptors from Volga, Urals and Siberia airbases, strategic bombers TU-95 and TU-22 took part in the drills in the Central Russia.
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On her first official visit to Nellis Air Force Base, Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James said Monday she will stress to her colleagues in Washington what she heard from local airmen: Don’t let automatic budget cuts under sequestration happen again.
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Kyle Mizokami, a defense expert from San Francisco, wrote about five pieces of Indian military equipment which could pose a threat to the People's Liberation Army on the battlefield in a recent article for the Washington-based National Interest magazine. This follows another two articles by Mizokami on five American and five Japanese weapons China should fear,
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The fire that struck an Air Force F-35A as it took of from Eglin Air Force Base should have limited operational effect on the Joint Strike Fighter program if initial conclusions by program officials are accurate. The Air Force has paused its aircrafts’ flights. The Navy did not. The Marines also “paused” and are expected to get back into the air tomorrow.
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With the ISIS forces entering the outer region of Baghdad, the move towards Iraq’s capital lead to a lot of equipment being captured by those forces. This new and advanced equipment will likely play an important role in future battles. It is important to look at some of the tanks and artillery that might become key players on the battlefield in various conflicts around the world.
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India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) said it can export combat aircraft and missiles at a much lower production cost than other countries, including China.
DRDO chief Avinash Chander told Press Trust of India that the agency has suggested a 'single window clearance' for time-bound sale of arms to friendly foreign nations.
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Myanmar will purchase the Sino-Pakistan jointly produced JF-17 Thunder multirole fighter aircraft, according to local news reports. According to the Burma Times, Myanmar is looking to purchase a license to domestically produce the J-17 aircraft, which is called the FC-1 Xiaolong in China. If the report is accurate, it would make Myanmar the first foreign purchaser of the jet.
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