August 16, 2014 Military Aviation News
What was the most effective aircraft in our arsenal in taking out the enemy's ordinance while also providing the best close support for our ground forces in the previous conflicts in this war zone? Could it be the A-10 Warthog? The Air Force plans to retire the A-10 in favor of the more versatile F-35 Joint Strike Fighter ("Maryland Air Guard losing attack aircraft, regaining cargo planes," March 11).
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Last weekend, Squadron Leader Cameron Clark was playing with his daughter when the decision was made to prepare a humanitarian mission to help stranded Yazidi refugees in Iraq. It is a testament to the lightning speed with which the Australian Defence Force can deploy that by Wednesday evening, the 37-year-old pilot was taking off in a C-130 transport plane from Al Minhad Air Base carrying 10 tonnes of food, water and supplies.
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President Barack Obama on Thursday promised to expand U.S. humanitarian relief to Iraqis threatened by the advancing army of the Islamic State militants. He took credit for alleviating the genocide threat to thousands trapped on a mountaintop but said the situation "remains dire" throughout the country. Obama also said U.S. airstrikes would continue to protect Americans and U.S. facilities in Iraq, and he said Washington has increased its delivery of military assistance to Iraqi and Kurdish forc
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The commander of Air Combat Command, Gen. Mike Hostage, declared initial operational capability for the 552nd Air Control Wing's E-3G Sentry, an Airborne Warning and Control System Block 40/45 aircraft, July 28, here. "This modification represents the most significant upgrade in the 35-plus year history of the E-3 AWACS and greatly enhances our crew members' ability to execute the command and control mission while providing a building block for future upgrades.
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