August 24, 2014 Military Aviation News
An unidentified warplane bombarded militia positions near Tripoli airport overnight, leaving at least 10 people dead, a spokesman for an alliance of Libyan militias said on Saturday. The aircraft targeted an army base to the south of Tripoli and a nearby warehouse, Mohammed al-Ghariani, spokesman for Fajr Libya (Libyan Dawn), said on An-Nabaa television station.
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Drones are one of the many applications that involves M2M communication technology today. These M2M-enabled aircrafts, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), do not have a human pilot aboard and rely mostly on onboard computers that are controlled remotely. As the concept of connected and driverless cars is gradually being adapted, pilot-less aircrafts have long been made a reality.
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This week's reported near collision between a Chinese fighter plane and an American surveillance aircraft in the East China Sea proves that China isn't afraid to strictly enforce its maritime border in the South China Sea, even if it has to risk a confrontation with the world's most powerful military.
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U.S. President Barack Obama is to consider air strikes in Syria in the battle against jihadist terrorists who beheaded an American journalist. Ben Rhodes, Mr. Obama’s deputy national security adviser, said Friday that a strategy to combat the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) needed to deal with both sides of the border in Iraq and Syria.
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With sickening snuff videos and viral postings of mass executions, ISIS has developed the projection of terror way beyond any predecessor. It has also managed to make itself seem more militarily formidable than it actually is. Even though its capacity as a training camp and assignment center for jihadists who can be sent to blow people up in Europe, the U.S. and Asia poses an extreme new danger, this should not be confused with its threat as a land-based army.
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The high level of co-ordination between Iraq's federal army troops and Peshmerga forces in the Kurdish region has resulted in successful joint operations against the "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL) in the north of the country, Iraqi military officials said. "One of the fruits of the great co-operation between the Iraqi forces and the Peshmerga was the liberation of the Mosul Dam and the surrounding villages, as well as cities and towns in the mountainous province of Ninawa.
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As Ukraine's standoff with Russia over its support of pro-Russian separatists escalates, President Obama must decide how the USA can prevent the conflict from spinning out of control. While Obama has been quietly letting Germany take the lead on the diplomatic front up until now, what he and his deputies communicate at talks Tuesday between Ukraine, Russia and European leaders in Belarus could play a pivotal role.
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The breathtaking and ear-shattering game of darts above the Northern Territory ended Friday after three weeks of intensive action. Today, they’re taking off for home. Up to 110 aircraft from New Zealand, United States, Singapore, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and New Caledonia participated in the swirling battle simulations in Australia’s northern skies with Australia’s RAAF.
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