September 20, 2014 Military Aviation News
Sweden says it has summoned the Russian ambassador over an air space violation by two Russian military aircraft. The Swedish Foreign Ministry said the planes crossed into Swedish air space south of the Baltic Sea island of Oland on Wednesday. The ministry called it a “serious violation.”
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Eight Russian planes, including long-range bombers, were intercepted this week by US and Canadian pilots. Sweden has made its displeasure known to the Russian government after similar incursions. Washington defense officials said on Friday that Russian planes were intercepted by US and Canadian warplanes on two separate occasions when they entered a US "Air Defense Identification Zone" (ADIZ) this week near Alaska.
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First, my condolences go to the families of the missing pilots of the light attack jet/advanced trainer aircraft that disappeared on September 12, 2014. The word “condolence” should not constitute an automatic or confirmed death of the crew members but after almost six days without a confirmed or assumed location of the aircraft, and in a country with no established search and rescue culture, my initial reaction is that of loss of hope, hence the condolence.
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The Russian Baltic Fleet is conducting tactical exercises for its coastal forces on one of the ranges of the Kaliningrad Region, with more than 1,000 motorized infantry soldiers and marines from its fleet and more than 250 military and special equipment units participating, the Baltic Fleet's press service said Friday.
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South Korea will become the world’s third most technologically advanced producer of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) by 2023, Korea Aerospace Research Institute stated, Yonhap reported. “By 2023, South Korea should only trail behind the United States and Israel in terms of technological prowess while ranking as the fourth largest supplier of drones as measured in sales," the director of the institute's future aircraft systems Choi Seong-wook told the agency Thursday.
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