September 28, 2014 Military Aviation News
The implications are thick with irony – the A-10 aircraft that the Air Force brass have tried for years to kill, to send to the military boneyard, may be just the weapon to help defeat the ISIS terror group without exposing large numbers of U.S. ground troops to combat. On the battlefield, the A-10s, such as those stationed at Selfridge Air National Guard Base in Harrison Township, pave the way for ground troops by obliterating enemy military vehicles and inflicting mass casualties.
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Nellis Air Force Base closed a chapter Friday in the storied history of the 65th Aggressor Squadron, but the legacy of the pilots who flew its F-15 Eagles continues in the Middle East, where their U.S. and coalition sparring partners are bombing Islamic State targets. “You have prepared the world’s greatest Air Force to fly, fight and win,” Col. Gary E. Rose, commander of the 57th Adversary Tactics Group, told the 65th’s pilots and maintenance personnel at the deactivation ceremony.
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AUSTRALIA could launch air strikes on Islamic State militants in Iraq within days, with the government expected to sign off on Australia’s deployment this week. As Tony Abbott flew into Canberra after attending security talks at the United Nations in Iraq, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said a decision on Australia’s military involvement in Iraq would be made in a matter of days.
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The Pentagon said on Saturday that it had conducted its first strikes against Islamic State targets in a besieged Kurdish area of Syria along the Turkish border, destroying two armored vehicles in an area that has been the subject of a weeklong onslaught by the Islamic State. The action around Kobani, where at least 150,000 refugees have crossed into Turkey, appeared to signify the opening of a new front for American airstrikes in Syria.
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Armed British Tornado jets have completed their first mission over Iraq since MPs authorised air strikes on Islamic State targets. The two Tornados have returned to RAF Akrotiri seven hours after taking off on Saturday morning. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said the jets carried out reconnaissance operations, gathering intelligence which would be "invaluable" but did not conduct air strikes.
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