October 07, 2014 Military Aviation News
When Germany dispatched a naval ship to the Horn of Africa last month for joint anti-piracy operations with other European powers, the vessel arrived without a vital mission component. Its Sea Lynx helicopters – meant to search for seafaring thugs – were back home in Germany, grounded due to maintenance problems.For Germany’s military, hobbled helicopters were only the beginning.
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The US Navy (USN) plans to base 100 Lockheed Martin F-35C Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter combat aircraft at Naval Air Station (NAS) Lemoore in California, the service's Fleet Forces Command (FFC) announced on 3 October. "The 100 F-35C aircraft will replace 70 ageing [Boeing] F/A-18 Hornet aircraft," the FFC said in a statement.
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Two Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Super Hornets have returned safely to the Australian support base in the United Arab Emirates after missions on Sunday. They joined aircraft from the US, UK, France, UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain, which have all conducted attacks against Islamic State forces inside Iraq.
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Indian Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha cannot be faulted when he expresses concern over the slow acquisition of aircraft to replace the ageing fleet. While addressing the media a few days before the 82nd anniversary of the IAF, he admitted that the acquisition process was behind schedule. The IAF has already reached a precarious position. It has just enough aircraft to carry on, depriving the IAF personnel scope for better deployment to protect the borders.
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Thirteen years ago today the Predator drone saw its first armed reconnaissance mission in Afghanistan. Since then, the U.S. military drone fleet has grown by leaps and bounds. The U.S. Air Force has scores of Predators and Reapers stationed around the globe 24/7, high-altitude drones like Global Hawk patrol the stratosphere, and the U.S. Army and Marine Corps have thousands of small hand-launched unmanned aircraft to support ground troops.
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October 7 (RIA Novosti) - The entire Russian Air Force is taking part in the All-Russian Civil Defense Drill, Emergencies Ministry spokesman Alexander Drobyshevsky said Tuesday. "The air forces from Sakhalin to Kaliningrad are practicing emergency response," Drobyshevsky said, specifying that the drill includes aerial engineer, nuclear, chemical and biological reconnaissance.
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