October 27, 2014 Military Aviation News
THE scourge of ISIS — a female Kurdish warrior who was credited with killing 100 jihadists — may have herself died in the desperate battle to prevent the city of Kobani falling into extremist hands. But her sisters-in-arms fight on. The young woman, known only by the pseudonym ‘Rehana’, became world famous after a picture of her flashing a “V” for victory sign went viral on social media.
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The soldiers snapped to attention and a Union flag was lowered towards the parched desert sand. With this brief ceremony, Britain’s 13-year war in Afghanistan came to an end. Only a few score soldiers were on parade, the music was piped American marching tunes and the whole occasion was conducted under the hovering protection afforded by Apache attack helicopters.
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Ninety percent of the world’s trade flows by sea and the majority of that through narrow, vulnerable straits such as Malacca, Singapore and Taiwan. This has forced the Asia-Pacific region to outspend all other nations, except the US, in procurement of ships and submarines. The dangers are real. Taiwan Adm. Chen Yeong-kang said regional territorial disputes could disrupt sea lines of communication (SLOC) in the region.
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Last week Chief of the Russian Air Force Viktor Bondarev announced that a Russian airbase would be established in Babruysk in 2016. An article from the Moscow Times on expanding the Russian air force presence abroad, subsequently reprinted in the Guardian, painted a rather dramatic, yet not entirely correct picture.
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As the pilots of 1st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, “Task Force Wolfpack,” 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, continue their high tempo of flight hours in their area of operation, fuelers from Echo Company, 1st ARB operate 24 hours a day to support the continuous refuel missions to maintain the CAB’s air presence in the battlefield.
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Japan began exercises Monday with the U.S. Army in Hokkaido, a day after it started naval maneuvers with Russia 800 km away off the coast of Vladivostok. The drills illustrate the balance Prime Minister Shinzo Abe must strike between his attempts to mend relations with Russia and the need to bolster his country’s alliance with the United States as a backstop to a more assertive China in the region.
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Bharat Karnad’s article, “Impending MMRCA Waste”, published in The New Indian Express on October 3 is a clear attempt to keep the MMRCA (medium multi-role combat aircraft) pot boiling—it warrants a response only to sensitise the environment of the truth, just as the learned professor tries to undermine it with his needless ranting on the MMRCA.
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From the battlefield near Baiji, an Islamic State jihadist fired a heat-seeking missile and blew an Iraqi army Mi-35M attack helicopter out of the sky this month, killing its two crew members. Days later, the Islamic State released a chilling series of images from a video purporting to capture the attack in northern Iraq: a jihadist hiding behind a wall with a Chinese-made missile launcher balanced on his shoulder.
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China is testing a new generation of military aircraft which includes the country's first and most advanced stealth fighter believed to form the backbone of its air force. The photos of fourth-generation stealth fighter J20, Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&CS) aircraft KJ-500 and Y-20 large military transporter, reportedly conducting tests flights, were published on a popular military forum, Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post reported.
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