November 25, 2014 Military Aviation News
Navy Vice Adm. Scott H. Swift was nominated Thursday to become the next commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, the Pentagon announced. Swift has been serving as director of the Navy Staff in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations in Washington for the past year. His appointment means that he is in line to receive his fourth star as a full admiral.
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U.S. President Barack Obama has ousted his defence secretary, Chuck Hagel, in the wake of a growing perception that the fight against Islamic State, also known as ISIL or ISIS, is teetering and rudderless. Hagel's tenure lasted less than two years and has been defined by a lack of firm vision weakened by statements that often appear to conflict with those of Obama.
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A total of 74% of the close to 2,000 simulators in the defence sector are made by five manufacturers. L-3 Link Simulation & Training, a division of L-3 Communications, leads the market with a 24% share of active simulators, according to Flightglobal's latest Military Simulator Census.
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Which phrase do you prefer? Many hands make light work or too many cooks in the kitchen? It's a question that some members of NATO might be asking after the statements made by Domingo Ureña Raso, the executive vice president of military aircraft for European aerospace giant Airbus.
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Don’t be swayed by exaggerated concerns that budgetary austerity on Capitol Hill will undermine U.S. defense firms. Every fiscal year, when the political Kabuki theater draws to a close, the Pentagon almost always gets its way in the last act. Regardless, torrid emerging market demand for sophisticated jet fighter aircraft made in the U.S. will more than make up for any procurement shortfalls.
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High over northern Iraq, a crewman in an RAAF Super Hornet was viewing an Islamic State fighter on the aircraft's sophisticated night vision camera when the man suddenly vanished. He had disappeared into a well-concealed cave complex in the side of a hill. And that was the genesis of a major air raid by Australian and coalition aircraft, launched within 24-hours of the initial sighting.
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Ahead of President Vladimir Putin's visit here early next month, India has told Russia to come back with a plan to substantially reduce the delivery timeframe for the stealth fifth-generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) if it wants to seal the futuristic project by next year. The plan till now was that India would begin inducting the stealth fighters only 94 months — at the earliest — after the two countries inked the final design and R&D contract.
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The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) has signed for its first four operational Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft as part of the Low-Rate Initial Production (LRIP 8) production lot, it was announced on 21 November. The order marks an initial buy from the MoD's Main Gate 4 acquisition approval process for 14 jets to equip the Royal Air Force's (RAF's) 617 Squadron, which is scheduled to stand-up as the UK's first operational F-35B unit in 2016.
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Since the CIA first used a drone in a targeted killing in 2002, the United States has conducted 500 targeted drone strikes, killing an estimated 3,674 people, including 473 civilians, the Atlantic reported. Drone attacks have become one of the symbols of post 9/11 counter-terrorist strategies.
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