December 13, 2014 Military Aviation News
India is emerging as one of the most rapidly developing economies of the world. India needs to strengthen its air defence since it’s an utmost requirement in today’s competitive world. India has got hostile neighbours and has gone to war with them in the past.
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Welcoming Prime Minister Narendra Modi's thrust for "Make in India", Russia on Friday said joint ventures and co-production was the way forward in all sectors, including defence, to achieve the target of $30 billion bilateral trade by 2025. Russia also said it was ready to engage with India for the modernisation of all defence equipment, including ships, submarines and aircraft.
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Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC), today marked the delivery of its first engineering, manufacturing and development (EMD) APG-83 Scalable Agile Beam Radar (SABR) to Lockheed Martin. Northrop Grumman's APG-83 SABR was competitively selected by Lockheed Martin for the F-16 Radar Modernization program to support U.S. and Taiwan Air Force F-16 upgrade programs.
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A top official with Russian contractor Sukhoi said Russia will supply “standard” versions of the Su-35 combat aircraft to China, a report said. Speaking with IHS Jane’s 360, Sukhoi first deputy director general Boris Bregma said that a “contract will be signed at the end of 2014 or at the beginning of 2015.”
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So the Naval Diplomat went on National Public Radio out in Los Angeles yesterday — via phone, alas, not onsite — to discuss the “laser gun” mounted aboard USNS Ponce, a U.S. Navy amphibious transport-cum-afloat forward staging base (AFSB). Occasioning NPR’s interest: this week the navy leadership has certified the old amphib’s 30 kW laser weapon system (LaWS) for combat use. Even while it undergoes testing, LaWS will provide some defense against lower-end threats.
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Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has said that Turkey and Italy possess good opportunities to cooperate in the defense industry. Davutoglu and his Italian counterpart, Matteo Renzi, were speaking on Friday at the Turkey-Italia Business Forum in Istanbul, hosted by the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey. Davutoglu said earlier that the two countries had cooperated on projects such as the ATAK series of helicopters – the first locally made Turkish attack helicopter.
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Defence Minister Rob Nicholson says the Conservative government will ”have a look at” extending the six-month air combat mission against ISIS forces in Iraq. Nicholson made the comments in an interview with Global News as he was in the midst of a day-and-a-half visit to various locations in Kuwait, including Camp Patrice Vincent, the staging base for Canadian CF-18s, Aurora surveillance aircraft and a Polaris refuelling plane.
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Norway has decided to suspend military cooperation with Russia till the end of next year, the country’s Ministry of Defense said Friday. “The Government has considered the issue again and decided to continue the suspension of all bilateral military activities until the end of 2015,” the ministry said in a statement published on its official website.
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