January 30, 2020 Military Aviation News
Defence has acknowledged that a logistics system in the 72 Joint Strike Fighters being purchased by Australia for $17bn could create a “risk of cyber intrusion and data loss”. In answers to questions from Labor senator Kimberley Kitching, the department said the Autonomic Logistics Information Systems had “several developmental challenges” but the cyber risks were being managed.
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Two Gripen-E fighter jets built by Swedish manufacturer Saab have arrived at Pirkkala Air Force Base to start two weeks of intensive testing and evaluation. They’re the third of five aircraft types coming to Finland through the end of February, as the Air Force weighs up the pros and cons of each in the process to determine which company will win the €10 billion contract to replace the country’s ageing fleet of Hornet jets.
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Keeping our country safe is something Americans expect from their government. When it can serve that purpose in a cost-conscious way, all the better. That’s why upgrading our fighter fleet to the modernized and cost-effective F-15EX is a no-brainer.
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Vietnam has signed a $350 million deal last year to buy a dozen combat training aircraft from Russia, the Vedomosti business daily reported Wednesday. Russia is the biggest arms supplier to Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Vietnam’s fleet deploys Russian-made fighters jets, surface ships and submarines, according to the state-run TASS news agency.
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