April 13, 2020 Military Aviation News
A United States military reconnaissance aircraft was reported flying near Taiwan's southern airspace Friday, the same day the Ministry of National Defense (MND) confirmed Chinese warplanes were monitored southwest of the country. A U.S. RC-135U Combat Sent was operating in the South China Sea, according to a flight chart posted on Twitter Friday morning by Aircraft Spots, a military air movement tracker.
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Apart from the establishment of new units, he revealed that the NAF, in line with the federal government’s commitment to the security of the nation, has also acquired 22 brand new aircraft in the last four and half years with another 16 due for delivery soon. Said he: “The additional air assets include an Mi-17 helicopter, which is expected to arrive the country this month, as well as three JF-17 Thunder multi-role fighter aircraft and 12 Super Tucano attack aircraft.
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The U.S. Air Force flight demonstration team, the Thunderbirds, performed an inspiring flyover of the greater Las Vegas area on Saturday, April 11, 2020 in honor of healthcare workers and first responders working during the international COVID-19 crisis.
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Overall, the F-35A fighter is flying exceptionally well. The F-35 Lightning II is now the world’s most dominant multi-role fighter. Its detection range, geolocation, threat identification, and system response capabilities allow the jet to precisely fix and destroy the most advanced threats in the world including every layer of Russia’s latest SA-20 surface-to-air missile (SAM) system.
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