May 01, 2020 Military Aviation News
The chief of Britain's air force has condemned its Russian counterpart after two of its maritime patrol bombers were intercepted north-east of Scotland. RAF Typhoon fighters were deployed from the Lossiemouth base in Moray as the Russian Tu-142 "Bear-F" aircraft approached on Wednesday. The Russian aircraft stayed in international airspace over the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea. However, the RAF said they were flying within the UK's "area of interest".
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Tunisia is joining other Middle Eastern nations like Iraq, Israel and Morocco and buying the U.S. AT-6C "Texan II" trainer/attack/reconnaissance aircraft. Tunisia wants to buy twelve but budget problems means the initial purchase is only four. In addition a 512 bombs, all but 48 500 pounders 250 pounders (113 kg). These bombs are mostly being used with guidance kits that turn bombs into GPS guided bombs. There are also 3,290 70mm APKWS laser guided missiles.
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A number of U.S. Marine Corps F/A-18C/D Hornet fighter jets forward-deployed to Japan recently conducted an exercise while carrying a pair of live AGM-84D Harpoon anti-ship missiles. The Corps says that the training event focused on its ability to contribute to sea control and area denial missions, capabilities the service wants to enhance and expand as part of a radical restructuring of its forces that it first publicly announced last month.
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