August 25, 2021 Military Aviation News

US Navy’s Boeing MQ-25 Drone Successfully Refuels E-2D


The US Navy’s Boeing MQ-25TM T1 unmanned aircraft system (UAS) refueled a Navy E-2D Hawkeye command and control aircraft in a test flight from MidAmerica St. Louis Airport last week, Boeing announced. During the flight, pilots from the Navy Air Test and Evaluation Squadron VX-20 did a wake survey behind the MQ-25 to check its stability before making contact with the other aircraft. The E-2D then received fuel from the MQ-25.

MBDA to Invest in Indian Missile Development Unit


Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) has signed an agreement with MBDA to assemble, integrate, and test the Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile (ASRAAM) in India. Under the agreement, MBDA will assist the state-owned Indian defense manufacturer in setting up a facility within its existing manufacturing complex in Bhanur, Telangana. The facility will provide maintenance, repair, and overhaul of the missiles, adaptable to assembly, integration, and testing of the MBDA’s CAMM missile.

Eielson safety office stays ahead of the curve during Red Flag 21-3


As the philosopher, The Notorious B.I.G., wrote, “Mo’ money, mo’ problems.” But what if instead of money, it was a flightline full of fifth-generation fighter aircraft from the U.S. Air Force? Enter the Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, safety office. “During RED FLAG-Alaska, Eielson’s operations tempo goes from a drizzle to a downpour,” said Master Sgt. Ryan Smith, 354th Fighter Wing flight safety non-commissioned officer.

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