May 23, 2024 Military Aviation News

For F-35, Congress must heed history


History serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of neglecting air superiority, a mistake America must not repeat with the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter as it did with the F-22 Raptor. In 2009, the F-22 program was abruptly cancelled after the production of only 187 aircraft — a quarter of the originally planned 750 fighters. This short-sighted decision left the U.S. Air Force with a diminished capacity to maintain air superiority in the face of evolving threats from the major military adversa

Saudi Arabia Eyes Full Partnership On Future Fighter


Saudi Arabia is seeking full partner status as it decides what future combat aircraft program to join, with a decision possible within months. The kingdom aims to be “an equal partner” in any sixth-generation fighter program, Maj. Gen. Hamed Alamri, director of Joint Chiefs of Staff and chairman of the Committee on Future Capabilities of the Armed Forces for the Saudi Air Force, said May 21. “Saudi Arabia seeks to become a global innovator, not just a customer,” he told an event at the Royal Aer

It’s Time To Rebuild America’s Fighter Force, Not Cut It


The U.S. Air Force today is the oldest and smallest in its history. Consequently, it is experiencing a severe fighter aircraft gap between what it has and what it requires to execute the national defense strategy. This gap is particularly acute within the F-35 stealth advanced 5th generation aircraft inventory. The Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 House Armed Services Committee bill language cutting F-35 purchases exacerbate this shortfall.

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