September 03, 2024 Military Aviation News

International collaboration unlocks true potential for collaborative combat aircraft


That’s why interest among responsible powers is growing in collaboration generally but also with advanced new programs specifically. A case in point is with collaborative combat aircraft, known as CCAs. These highly capable autonomous unmanned fighters are set to revolutionize air dominance and other fields in the coming decades. Understanding how will also help explain allied nations’ desire to work together on building them.

Why the Air Force Needs 6th Generation NGAD 'System'


Maintaining air superiority is critical for U.S. military success, especially against near-peer adversaries with advanced integrated air defense systems. The F-22 Raptor, with its unmatched stealth, speed, and situational awareness, exemplifies America’s air superiority capabilities, but the limited number of combat-coded F-22s and their aging structures necessitate the development of the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) system.

Czech Republic to lease Gripen fighters beyond 2027


The Czech Republic has signed a Joint Declaration with Sweden to extend its lease of 14 JAS 39 Gripen combat aircraft beyond 2027. Two double-seated and 12 single-seated units were delivered to Prague on the 31 August 2005; the fleet is stationed at Cáslav Air Base.

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