September 25, 2024 Military Aviation News

Azerbaijan confirms purchase of JF-17 fighters


On September 25, Azerbaijani President and Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev was presented with the new JF-17C (Block-III) fighter jets at Heydar Aliyev International Airport. The advanced, all-weather multi-role aircraft, developed in collaboration between Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and China’s Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC), has officially entered service with Azerbaijan’s Air Force, according to the country’s defense ministry.

Japanese fighters use flares during QRA intercept


On 23 September F-15J and F-35A fighter aircraft from the Japan Air Self-Defence Force’s Northern Air Defence Force were scrambled to intercept and escort a Russian Navy Ilyushin Il-38 ‘May’ maritime patrol aircraft that violated Japan’s airspace north of Rebun Island off Hokkaido. During a five-hour patrol in the area the Russian aircraft strayed into Japan’s airspace three times, flying above Rebun Island, just off the coast of Hokkaido – the northernmost of Japan’s main islands.

Russia's Su-57 Felon Stealth Fighter Could Be Headed to Africa


Algeria has reportedly donated its surplus MiG-29 fighter jets to Sudan's Air Force in preparation for the arrival of Russia's Su-57 stealth jets. The move strengthens Algeria’s regional influence while modernizing its air force with advanced fifth-generation aircraft, making it the first nation outside Russia to operate the Su-57.

Belarusian Yak-130 Fighter Jet Spotted in Kyiv Region


A Belarusian Yak-130 fighter jet [NATO reporting name "Mitten"] likely breached Ukrainian airspace from Belarus on Monday, Sept. 24, sparking an air alert in northern Ukraine. The incursion was reported by Ukraine’s Air Force and confirmed by monitoring channels. At 2:28 p.m. local time, Ukrainian authorities detected an aerial object crossing into Ukrainian territory, near the border of the Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions.

U.S. Fighters Intercept Russian Military Intelligence Aircraft Near Alaska, Japan Says Chinese and Russian Military Aircraft Violate Territory


Four Russian military aircraft were tracked operating in the Alaska air defense identification zone (ADIZ) on Monday, according to a release by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) on the same day. Meanwhile, Japanese news agency Kyodo News on Monday reported that the commanding officer of a Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) destroyer was sacked for an incident in July in which the destroyer sailed into Chinese territorial waters.

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